Program of the opening exposition:
14:00: Doors open
15:00 Live music by Elisabeth Daniel (Liesje), volunteer at Cherut and part of the Holding Hands team
15:30: Speeches by Marisca, creator of Holding Hands and Johanneke, director of Cherut
16:30: Live music bij Torino, musician and designer of Holding Hands expo
18:00: End
The pictures will be up for viewing at Stadsmagazijn until the 29th of March 2025.
Address: Keistraat 5, 2000 Antwerpen
Our first exposition was in March 2024 in Arteria Art Gallery, Barcelona.
Program of the evening:
19:00: Opening of gallery
19:30: Welcome with a drink and speeches by Marisca, creator of Holding Hands and Johanneke, director of Cherut
20:30: Live music by Liesje, volunteer at Cherut and part of the Holding Hands team and Charman, musician and supportive act